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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Funniest Tweets About the 2012 GOP Convention

Funniest Tweets About the GOP Convention
from politicalhumor.about.com

A selection of humorous Tweets about the 2012 Republican Convention from politicalhumor.about.com:
Mitt Romney joins his wife, Ann, after she addressed the Republican National Convention 
in Tampa on Tuesday. Photograph: Win Mcnamee/Getty Images
"Ann keeps saying Mitt makes her laugh. His sense of humor is more hidden than his offshore accounts and his tax returns." --Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff)

"I loved Ann Romney's speech. She totally articulated how important it is to working moms that millionaires pay less taxes." --John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang)
Paul Ryan
"Paul Ryan fears college students looking up at fading Obama posters. Yeah, cuz if Obama looked white, all your supporters would vote for him." -- Matt Goldich (@MattGoldich)

"Paul Ryan delivers fiery convention speech, and instantly creates thousands of jobs....for Democrat fact checkers." --Capitol Steps (@CapSteps)

"Before taking the stage, Paul Ryan spent 6 hours staring into a mirror working on 'concerned eyebrow.'" --Damien Fahey (@DamienFahey)

"How many times a day do you think Paul Ryan calls Mitt "Dad" by accident?" --Steven Amiri (@StevenAmiri)

"Paul Ryan looks like the car rental salesman who bullies you into getting full coverage." -Damien Fahey (@DamienFahey)
President Barack Obama

"Paul Ryan: 'Obama sucks because he didn't have a time machine he could use to save factories that closed before he was President.'" --Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker)

"Sarah Palin can see the Republican Convention from her television." --Warren Holstein (@WarrenHolstein)

"It makes sense that Republicans would flock to Tampa strip clubs. They love telling women what to do with their bodies." Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome)

"Our thoughts are with all the fact-checkers tonight." --Indecision (@indecision)

"Four years ago, the convention audience was just as excited about a VP candidate who has been banned from #RNC2012." --Andy Borowitz (@BorowitzReport)

"That VP debate is going to be a bloodbath. They say Paul Ryan has 6% body fat. I guarantee you Joe Biden has 8 between his ears." --Dennis Miller Show (@DennisDMZ)

"Fitting that the GOP is treating George W. Bush like that old coke buddy you don't invite to the baby shower." --Rachel Lichtman (@DJRotaryRachel)

"Paul Ryan is the guy Meg Ryan is engaged to when she meets her soulmate." --Mike DiCenzo @mikedicenzo

"Paul Ryan critcizing the stimulus is like Charlie Sheen criticizing the existence of hookers." --John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang)

"Condoleezza Rice doing better job reading her speech than she did reading 'Bin Laden Determined To Attack Inside USA' memo." --Frank Conniff (@FrankConniff)

"Tonight I hope Chris Christie explains why he thinks gay marriage would hurt his state more than Jersey Shore has." --Andy Borowitz (@BorowitzReport)

"Is Paul Ryan giving a speech or narrating an episode of "The Wonder Years"? --Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke)

"Ann Romney talking about middle class moms is like Chris Christie talking about a salad." --Denis Leary (@denisleary)

"The people who say Obama blames Bush are spending 3 nights in Tampa blaming Obama for Bush." --John Fugelsang (@John Fugelsang)

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